Naama Bay Guide
Planning Your Holiday in Naama Bay
Naama Bay is the premier international beach resort in Egypt attracting millions of tourists each year from the world over.
In the central district visitors can gratify themselves with an abundance of beaches, sunshine, food, music, parties and shopping. Not to mention some of the best diving and snorkelling experiences on the planet.
It’s the loudest, largest and most happening of Sharm El Sheikh’s resorts particularly at night when the music from dozens of restaurants and bars blends together into a solid wall of sound along the main thoroughfare.
Those expecting a peaceful getaway would probably prefer resorts elsewhere in Egypt.
Make no mistake; the hassle factor is high here with well over a thousand touts competing for the attention of the passing trade.
Central Naama is comprised of the following areas, all of which are now pedestrianised.
Sultan Qabous St
Sultan Qabous St is the seemingly endless strip of cafes, restaurants and bars that intersects Peace Street (the main road running between Sharm el Maya and Naama Bay).
Through the rising shisha smoke a few familiar brands shine including the Hard Rock Café, TGI Fridays, KFC and Pizza Hut.
At one end taxis loiter to collect tourists and return them to their hotel.
The other end of the strip reaches a T-junction and the prodigious Panorama Zara Bar. Three stories of brightly lit restaurant culminating in rooftop terrace with nightly entertainment.
King of Bahrain Street
Take a left opposite the Panorama bar and you’ll find yourself on the top end of the King of Bahrain Street.
Slightly more upmarket than the proceeding street, King of Bahrain offers more restaurants (preferring seating over Bedouin style cushions), more brands (Starbucks and MacDonald’s) and more touts!
Most noteworthy establishments include the swanky three floored Camel Bar, owned by the Camel Dive Centre. Its rooftop terrace is an extremely cool place to hang out at night with a cocktail bar and DJ blaring out Balearic beats.
Just next door is the European Super club Pacha open until 4am most nights of the week. This colossal open air club offers a range of music from House to RnB mixed by some of the biggest names in the business.
For shopping opportunities look no further than the Naama Centre at the top of the street. One of the largest and brightest of Sharm’s shopping malls.
The Beach
Parallel to the King of Bahrain Street is Naama’s bays famous beach. A beautiful long sandy beach divided by a plethora of cafés, bars, aqua centres and hotels.
Indeed there is nowhere on the beach that has not been colonised by one establishment or another.
The beach is approximately 1.5Km in length starting with the Helnan Marina Sharm Hotel in the South and leading North until the sand disappears into a rocky outcrop.
There’s plenty to do here in terms of water sports, snorkelling and of course diving.
The coral reefs that made Sharm the diving Mecca that it is today remain some of the most fabulous on the planet.