Train Cairo to Luxor
While there are many more trains that run between Cairo and Luxor, new restriction ostensibly in place for tourist safety and wellbeing mean that tourists are permitted only to travel this route by the sleeper trains listed below.
Please note that while I do my best to keep these Egyptian train schedules up to date it is not always possible. Information is hard to come by and rules and regulations change frequently.
If you find any inaccuracies with this schedule I would greatly appreciate it if you please let me know via email:
To download and print a free pdf timetable Cairo to Luxo timetable click here. Alternatively view other train schedules in Egypt. To find out about ticket prices and making reservations readTravel by Train in Egypt
Train Times Cairo to Luxor
Train Number |
Depart Cairo |
Arrive Luxor |
Depart Luxor |
Arrive Aswan |
Start / Finish |
84 |
2000 |
0505 |
0515 |
0815 |
Cairo / Aswan |
82 |
2030 |
0525 |
0535 |
0850 |
Alex / Aswan |
86 |
2110 |
0610 |
0620 |
0930 |
Cairo / Aswan |