Alternative Egypt Travel Guide
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January in Egypt - Alternative Egypt Travel Guide  

January in Egypt

Weather and Temperature

January is typically Egypt’s coolest month with temperatures in the north of the country ranging from 11-18 ̊C in Alexandria and 8-18 ̊C in Cairo. As always the south of the country is hotter with temperatures of between 10-23 ̊C in Aswan and 10-21 ̊C on Red Sea coast.

The cool weather means that it’s a good time for sightseeing, but not ideal for the more serious sunbathers.

In Egypt in January, Hikers may even come across snow on some of the country’s mountain peaks. Excursions are possible in the Western desert although evening temperatures will likely drop below freezing.

Holidays and Special Events

1st January New Year – Although Islamic new year falls on another date, the Gregorian new Year is still celebrated which much fervour. However government offices and businesses remain open.

7th January Egyptian Coptic Christmas – Like Russian Orthodox Christians, Egypt’s Coptic Christian population celebrate Christmas day on 7th January. Although the vast majority of the country is Muslim, the Christmas period is still evident in the country, albeit far less commercially than it is in the west.

Copts will partake in some degree of fasting from November 25th up until the advent on the 6th January.

On Christmas day itself, the occasion is marked by mass at 11pm. By far the largest congregation of Copts at Christmas is at St Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo where the Coptic pope hosts celebrations which can go on long in to the night.

25th January Egypt Police Day – A day to celebrate the Egyptian Police Force, where government offices and ministries are closed.


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