September in Egypt
Weather and Temperatures
September in Egypt sees a slight dip in temperatures, a gradual return of tourism after the off peak months, and Cairo repopulated after the annual summer exodus. If you’re sensitive to heat, you’ll certainly still prefer travelling in Egypt earlier or later in the year when the climate is cooler.
Similarly if you’re agenda is sightseeing heavy you will find the weather more conducive from mid October onwards. Strictly speaking September is still off peak in Egypt, so sites are quieter and travel during this period can be more cost effective.
Typically the Northern beaches around Alexandria are the coolest part of the country with temperatures ranging from 23-30 ̊ C. Cairo remains hot and humid with temperatures ranging between 20-32 ̊ C and Aswan is still a fairly challenging place to be with temperatures ranging from between 24-39 ̊ C.
Travel to the Western desert Oases is still restricted to Spring and Autumn.
The Red Sea resorts are a little more bearable; Hurghada typically seeing temperatures of between 23-30 ̊ C and Sharm El Sheikh 26 - 34 ̊ C. In land Sinai is cooler still with temperatures of between 18 - 31 ̊ C around the St Catherine Protectorate. ../St-Catherine's-Village/index.html
Holiday and Special Events
11th August until 10th September Ramadan – The most important month in the Islamic calendar, Ramadan celebrates the time that the Holy Koran first began to be revealed to the Prophet Mohammed. This is the event most likely to impact on your trip. Find out how. Egypt during Ramadan
10th September 2010 Eid Al Fitr – The feast that celebrates the end of the month of Ramadan.
11th September 2010 Coptic New Year according to the 13 month Coptic Calendar marked by the Feast of Neyrouz.